Bridal Falls Camperland RV Resort
Christmas in July 2025!
Bridal Falls Camperland RV Resort 53730 Bridal Falls Rd, Rosedale, British Columbia, Canada8Come join Camperland to celebrate Christmas in July. Santa will be on site to say hi! To participate, gifts (max $20) can be brought to office by 9pm Friday evening (fully wrapped, with child's first & last name). Guests are welcome to decorate their site!
Halloween in August 2025!
Bridal Falls Camperland RV Resort 53730 Bridal Falls Rd, Rosedale, British Columbia, CanadaCome join Camperland for our annual Halloween in August! Festivities include trick or treating, and site decorating! Grab a pumpkin (from the store), and bring candy to hand out if you wish to participate.